Customer Testimonials

Check out what our customers are telling us about their Magnetic Sleep Pads:



I’ve suffered for ten years…many sleepless nights due to pain! Hands and feet deformed…three months ago I was unable to hold a pen to write, now am writing this letter! Since sleeping on the Magnetico Sleep Pad, my joint pain is minimal…sleep restful. I would not be without it…words cannot express my satisfaction.
W. B, Age 74 – ON

I have been an osteo-arthritis sufferer for the past 12 years. I experienced many sleepless nights because of pain in my back, neck and shoulders and each morning my hands were stiff and swollen shut. I was introduced to the magnetic mattress ten months ago and have experienced gradual improvement in my whole body. Thanks to the magnetic mattress I can now enjoy a good game of golf and other activities.
J. M, Retired – BC

My arthritis does not bother me nearly as much as it did before pad. I sleep really well, have lots of energy and my hair has gotten thicker and the wave is back. I am 82 this year, had a medical and the Doctor told me I am extraordinarily healthy. I am glad I invested in the sleep pad.
D. H – BC

My wife is 62 and I am 63…the 6 months prior to purchase my wife slept in a different bed because of severe Arthritis in both knees…she now sleeps through the night…I thought I was becoming impotent, but this sleep pad sure made a difference in our sex life.
B & I M – MI

Before I got my pad, I was so arthritic I could not push the electric window control on my car with my fingers. I’m now playing golf… went out and hit 300 balls at the driving range and not even any soreness after.
B. J, mid 70s – BC

Migraines and Headaches

I have not had a headache since I began sleeping on my Magnetico Sleep Pad. I was gone on a 2-week vacation about a month after I got it, and I was sure glad to get back because I could feel the return of the severity of my stiffness and aches and pains. It took me several nights to get back feeling as good as I did before I left my sleep pad. I’m very satisfied.
E. M, Age 72 – TX

At 8 1/2 months, I have not had a headache since I got my sleep pad. I am very satisfied. I will not give up my Magnetico sleep pad. I wouldn’t take any amount of money for my pad.
C. R, Age 76 – TX

Chronic Fatigue

I had generally good health prior to the birth of our son…then it was debilitating back and leg pain, sleeplessness, fatigue, depletion of immune system, little energy… I exhausted every medical lead I could find for relief. My sleep from the first night on the pad was deep and wonderful… no more pain at night. Daytime pain took longer to disappear… I found I could lay down on my bed to recharge and get relief… We’ve had our Sleep Pad for nearly two years… notice the difference in energy levels if we are away from it for more than a few days… wouldn’t be without it!!… definitely recommend your wonderful magnetic Sleep Pad to anyone and everyone!
S. Conn, mid 30s – BC


My teenage daughter was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia and for almost a year she spent most of her time in bed… After the first night on the sleep pad I saw the difference although she said she didn’t feel any better. After two months she was almost back to normal and remains that way… This has been the best investment we have ever made!
D. A. – PA

Since sleeping on the Magnetico Sleep Pad my muscle soreness is reduced and when I do have a flare up, it does not last as long. My immune system is up. I sleep better and have more energy. I look much better too. Friends observe that the former loss of muscle tone around my mouth and accompanying slightly slurred speech difficulty problems have disappeared. Magnetico has definitely improved my quality of life….
R. B. – CA

If my house was burning down, that would be the one thing I would try to save!
L. Y. – BC

I love the magnetic mattress pad. It has almost cured my fibromyalgia of 4-5 years. Thanks!
M. L. – CA

Sleep Disorders

I was using a nasal CPAP machine set at 10cm of water to control my long-standing (over 25 years) obstructive sleep apnea. Without the CPAP machine I would stop breathing every 5 or 6 breaths for up to 30 seconds at a time. After only 2 months…I found that I no longer needed the CPAP. I feel great.
A. C – ON

For the first time in twenty years, I am getting a decent night’s sleep! Before, I suffered bouts of insomnia all the time, and if I did manage to get to sleep, I would waken at least 3 or 4 times a night. Now…I can count on sleeping straight through! Thank you, Dr. Bonlie, for this wonderful product.
J. M, Mid 30s – WA

Health Summary:

  1. Diabetic neuropathy (nerve death – causing excruciating pain in extremities (1-3 bouts daily, lasting from 45 minutes to two hours)
  2. Extreme bloating after meals – Internist tried various medications with little success.
  3. Sleep Disorder – Many years (average amount of sleep: 1-3 hrs per night).

Improvements Since Sleeping on Pad:

  1. The nerve spasms took 5-6 months to improve to a marked amount… now they are reduced by 80-90%, with no occurrences at all for 4 to 5 days at a time.
  2. Bloating stopped the first night.
  3. Sleep problem relieved in first few nights. This was all hard to believe it was so dramatic.

D. & V. Laughton, mid 40s – SK


I’m a diabetic… with the resulting poor circulation to the extremities, my toenails had ceased growing for two years. Since sleeping on your Magnetico pad, the color is returned to my fingers & toes, and the nails are growing again.
R. H – TX

I am very satisfied with the Magnetico sleep pad. One of the benefits that I have noticed since I’ve been using it is an improvement in my blood circulation resulting in warmer hands and feet. Another benefit is the ability once again to fully straighten the fingers on both my hands.
K. S – MB

Heart Problems

I was on heavy blood pressure medication (6-8 tabs/day). My daughter checks my blood pressure 3 times a day… we dropped off the med’s as the blood pressure lowered. Today it was down in normal range of 130 over 76. It hadn’t been below 80 for years! I am so thankful… it can’t be easier than just going to bed at night!
C. D -OK

Bone density rating improved dramatically in the first 3 months on sleep pad. Used cane to prevent falls. Take walks now without it and seldom use it at all. Tiny varicose veins disappeared in 1 month. In just 9 nights, severe leg cramps that would get me up at night disappeared. Blood pressure was 160 over 90; lowered to 140 over 70 in 3 months… with the same medication. Very happy!
E. C, age 93 – TX

I would like to take this opportunity to let you know how much benefit I’ve received from your Magnetico sleep pad. My daughter purchased the pad for me in 1998, as I had suffered two massive heart attacks in 1991 that left me with only one-half of my heart working. In addition, I suffer from severe angina attacks, which usually landed me in the hospital at least once a year. In all honesty, I did not feel anything at first, and was fully prepared to return it. My daughter however, encouraged me to keep the product as it was doing something for me even if I did not actually feel it.

After several months, people I knew started commenting on how good my coloring was and that I seemed to be more energetic. A full year went by without a severe angina attack and or hospital visit. I started to notice that I was less fatigued, more capable of walking longer distances and finishing small projects around the house. The most important thing I noticed was that I did not seem as susceptible to colds and flu as before. I had not changed any part of my lifestyle and had to admit that the only change was the sleep pad. I have been hospital-free for more than 3 years now and have enjoyed extremely good health. My energy level has substantially increased and my angina attacks are minimal and easy to control.

Thank you again for such a wonderful product. If I had not stuck it out, I would not be enjoying the quality of life I now experience.
J. C, Age 63 – AB

My blood pressure was 185 over 136 in February and was on medications for that. Received my sleep pad in early May. In just two weeks on the pad it has dropped to 120 over 69!
E. S – NY

Multiple Sclerosis

In 1980, I was diagnosed with MS… loss of balance, poor co-ordination, constant muscle spasms, fatigue and limited mobility are daily symptoms I have learned to live with. I have slept on the magnetic pad now for six months… what I have found to be the most beneficial is that it seems to allow my body to “bounce back” at a more rapid rate than previous…It has also assisted in less frequent muscle spasms and I am now waking up more refreshed with more energy. It has also assisted in my breathing due to… various allergies. It is not a cure for me but is of great assistance to me in allowing me to live a more active lifestyle with additional energy. I consciously have not changed any aspect of my daily living habits to give it a fair evaluation and now can recommend it to others.
A. S – AB

In the four months that I have been using the Sleep pad, I have seen significant improvement in many of my MS symptoms and, most importantly, I have been able to come off all three drugs I had been taking to help alleviate many of my more severe symptoms… I am completely pain free the majority of the time… In addition, I was very pleased to discover that my employer’s health plan recognized the Sleep pad as a legitimate medical/rehabilitation expense and reimbursed us the full cost of the sleep pad… We only wish we had discovered the Sleep Pad earlier.
J. C – ON

My MS is improving after 8 weeks on the Magnetico Sleep Pad…(age 71, in wheelchair). My blood pressure has gone from 163/99 to 144/84. Needless to say, this makes me very happy!
G. G, OK – Age 71


Our daughter… has high functioning autism and was not sleeping through the night for 7 years! Once we received the sleep pad she has slept all night and wakes up a much “happier” child. When she does not sleep in her bed we notice a negative difference in her behavior… We see such a significant improvement in her behavior that I wouldn’t want to give up the magnetic pad!
A. P – IN


My teen-age son has been diagnosed with ADHD. Even with the prescribed dosage of Ritalin (40mg./day), he struggled with impulse control, focusing and time management. Mornings, normally, he was oblivious to time and staying on task. Within the first twenty-four hours after sleeping on the Magnetico pad, I noticed a change in him. He jumped out of bed alert…focused and on task for morning chores… and ready for school on time without my pushing and redirecting him. He’s now able to focus better in his morning high school classes. Overall, he’s an average student, but in his a.m. Social Studies class, he went on to receive the top award in his class. Socially he finds it easier to develop and maintain friendships now. Also, we’ve been able to reduce his Ritalin dosage by half. We strongly recommend the Magnetico sleep pad for other ADHD young people.
Mom (Jr. High teacher) & Son, RW & JM, AB

General Health & Fitness

Thank you for introducing me to the Magnetico Sleep Pad! … I am delighted… In my practice the results have been remarkable. The patients to whom I have introduced the Magnetico Sleep Pads have responded well and are happy with the results. With my degrees in Chiropractic and Naturopathic Medicine, and studies in acupuncture, physical therapy, Australia Bowen technique, and various other therapies, I have naturally been led into a practice of physical medicine, including the use of small taped-on magnets, so it is with some amazement that I find a process that gives such relief and comfort in such a simple manner. After all, everyone has to lie down to sleep on a regular basis, so what better way to have therapy! I am sure other benefits will be found from the use of the magnet pads as time goes by, so there is no doubt in my mind that the use of magnet sleep pads will become one of the major therapeutic agents of the future. Again, thank you!
R. F , DC, ND – BC

The magnetic pad, it was a raging success. Just as Dr. Bonlie attested,… the pad brought wonderful results… Anybody that has circulatory problems, lower back or other related pain should never sleep without the pad.
J. E, Former Quarterback – CA

I’ve been running in marathons for 15 years. Since sleeping on the Magnetico Sleep Pad, I’ve noticed a substantial increase in endurance during the latter third of the race, allowing me to finish first or second in my age category. Also it has eliminated most of my post-race nausea, soreness, and extreme exhaustion. I can now go out and enjoy a celebration dinner after!
L. M, Age 70+ – CA

I can’t say enough about my Sleep Pad! I awake refreshed and get through a hard day’s work and still have some energy left at the end of the day. I’m only sorry I didn’t know of your sleep pads sooner! Each day (since sleeping on the pad) my wife feels a bit better than the previous day. I have looked into other sleep pads and feel that yours is the only one worth using.
B. R – IL

As a “past-my-prime” athlete, I feel the Sleep Pad has helped my body return to the co-ordination and stamina of 15-20 years ago! I could never gain weight before and now have put on 10-12bs of muscle in two months. Thanks again for your helpful insight into this technology, and I once again shout the praises from the rooftops about this wonderful product.
G. R – NC

30-Day Responses to Magnetico Sleep Pad

Noticeable improvement in pain levels in both lower back, neck, & shoulder area in only 5 days… steadily improving throughout the 30 days. I have an increase in energy level during the day and less sleep requirement per night. Definite positive result!
M. D, AB

Increased vitality – my PSA count going down. I’m very pleased.
P. L, NJ

Following an auto accident five years ago, I have been searching for a solution to pain in the soft tissue of my neck, arm, lower back and leg. After six weeks of sleeping on the magnetic Sleep Pad, I anticipate total recovery. With the combination of good food, nutritional supplements, and therapy, the Sleep Pad has supplied the final piece of the puzzle. I sleep comfortably all night and awaken refreshed and am full of energy. As a matter of fact, I don’t recall ever having this much energy. Thank you!
Name Withheld, VA

My son, Zackery, has had asthma so bad, he was hospitalized 3 times before he was 3 years old, and on so many medications it would make us both cry. Since he has been sleeping on the Magnetico Sleep Pad, Zackery has had no major breathing attacks. Now if he has a mild attack, he can recover in one day without hospitals and heavy meds. We have gone from the day when my son turned blue in my arms and 3 days in ICU to now, at age 9 he is one of the star players on the soccer field!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart
S. M, Mother – CA

I suffer from epilepsy and thyroid problems… and take medication for both. My thyroid has been removed… levels changed every month and could not be regulated. After 2 months on the sleep pad, it has never fluctuated (now been on pad for 1 1/2 years). The seizures have lessened as well. I have improved nail growth. My circulation has improved by 50%, as well as sex drive.
B. L, CO

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